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Sunday 19 June 2011

Intel finds stolen laptops can be costly

A Laptop the 'value of S is more than meets the eye. Intel indicates that the stolen laptops cost the owners of corporation more than $100.000 in certain cases, in an announced study Wednesday.

Study on book safety, commissioned by Intel and conduit by Ponemon institute, declares that the laptops lost or stolen in the airports, taxis, and the hotels around the world cost their owners of corporation that an average of $49.246 reflecting the value of the data included above the cost, of PC Intel said.

Analyzing 138 examples of the lost and stolen books, the study based the price to pay $49.246 on associated costs with the replacement, detection, legal medicines, infringement of data, lost intellectual property, lost productivity, and legal, consultation and expenditure of standardization, Intel said. The data open a breach only represent 80 percent of the cost.

Who has a book absent is important, Intel indicated. It is not computer of President 'of S which is evaluated, but a director or a manager, according to the study. An senior officer the 'book of S is estimated at $28.449, whereas a director or a manager 'a book of S is worth $60.781 and $61.040, respectively.

Average costs if the book is discovered that the missings have the same day $8.950 years, according to the study. After more than one week, this figure can reach as high as $115.849.

In addition to the obvious need for vigilance, the countermeasures include security services of figuring and data-suppression. The study noted that the figuring of data makes the most significant difference in average costs: a book lost with an ordering of hard drive quantified is estimated at $37.443, compared with $56.165 for a version nonencrypted, the study indicates.

The anti-theft technology of Intel is pill of has poison solution programmed in the PC which can be started by the internal mechanisms of detection or a remote waiter to close with key a lost or stolen book, making it completely useless, according to Intel.


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